I'm not normal and I dont know why I want to be...

Would you believe me if I told you I have to fight every day to want to see today? Well, it is my reality, at the moment.  I leave that end part to leave room for a change. Maybe there's a glimmer of hope there, somewhere still.

I have wanted desperately to be normal.  And as you and I are both aware normal is subjective and, one can even argue, nonexistent. I have had some things hit me as of late by "Normal". Normal comes cloaked in what seems to be commonplace, what appears to sound justifiable, that which follows along an okay path.  Forget normal! 

Do i really want this normal that is driving me crazy? Keeping me sad? Awake? Miserable?  For what really?  If you think about it, how many times have completely normal circumstances (people, interactions, jobs, relationships etc...) knocked the ever-loving wind out of your sails? Yup, exactly my point!

That which I know I truly want to be is honorable, kind and true.  And I am already those things.  The only thing left really is to appreciate that and force that vibration into my immediate space. Without knowing that which you are and really allowing it to be your normal, you become subject to a great deal of pain which will only reinforce the whole journey. The pain that is meant to push you forward and out into the world to see yourself if you let it.

You are your normal.  Treasure you and keep going.


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