Learning myself all over again

I'm sitting here drinking some green tea with raw honey & a touch of lemon juice.

I feel peaceful tonight which is quite rare. I'm usually wired like the 4th of July! Ha. I just made it a point to take a dang day off. I tuned out folks I didn't want to hear. I refused to "look up"/research anything. I took a nice long shower and put on some of my favorite chill wear.

It has been discouraging at times- this life of mine. And I still have not a thing figured out! I'm continuing the best I can.

Part of that continuance is learning some balance.  I can't be around people all the time, even the ones I like very much. It irritates me and I feel like someone else. It would be beneficial for me to go out more especially when I "don't feel like it".  I need sleep and being able to arise with tranquility. Now this is a privilege that I'm still working on creating. But for me, nothing spoils the day more than someone yelling your name to perform their day's agenda.

I can go on (maybe another day). The point is I acknowledge that I need to take better care of myself. Not really for a scale reading but more my sanity.

Btw, this tea combo is good.


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